This work is funded entirely by donations alone. Though not expected, if you feel guided to make a love offering, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Thank you for your support!
Something that I really love, is hearing someone’s story about how A Course In Miracles came into their life. I truly enjoy listening to people’s “how ACIM found me” stories, because it uplifts the heart and gives us hope for help in a world where help can sometimes feel hard to find. So, if you’re only just hearing about the book here for the first time, well, you’ve got a story, even if it’s short and simple. And today, I wanted to share with you, my story about how A Course In Miracles came into my life and transformed it.
I have been a spiritual seeker from a very young age. In fact, I can tell you the incident that triggered my lifelong passion for finding the answer to my greatest question: What is my purpose in life?
One night, when I was about 5 years old, I was lying in bed saying my nightly prayers in my head, when I wondered if God could really hear and see me praying? Was I even being noticed by God? So, I decided to get out of bed and kneel right in front of my window to pray out loud to ensure God could both hear and see me. And as I rested my elbows on the windowsill, hands folded in prayer, there also just happened to be a cactus on the windowsill, sitting in the gap formed between my elbows.
At the end of my prayers, I added that I hoped God could always hear and see me, no matter how I prayed. The next morning, I opened the shade of my window to let in the morning sun as I always did, and there sat my cactus, with 3 huge white flower blooms on it.
I was beyond excited, taking this as a direct sign from God that He could indeed see and hear me, no matter what. And with this small miracle of perfect synchronicity, I began my lifelong search for the answer to my deepest question: What does God want from me? What is my purpose here on earth?
As I approached my teen years, I often found myself in a state of what I can only describe as a form of melancholy or homesickness. I daydreamed often of a place of joy that I couldn’t remember, but knew I’d left. My teachers at school would sometimes notice this behavior and ask me what was wrong. They wanted to know if I was depressed.
I had no answer. Neither did I think I was depressed. How could I explain to them I was just homesick for a place I couldn’t remember but knew was far better than where I was. My own feelings baffled me because I had no reason to feel this way. I had a wonderful childhood and could think of no outward reason why I felt the way I did.
This feeling was abated only slightly by burying myself into science fiction novels about mythical creatures and magic. I yearned to live in Tolkien’s world, or in the land of Narnia.
Then sometime around the age of 16, I discovered a book about meditating with the angels called, “Ask Your Angels,” by Alma Daniel and Timothy Wyllie. Using this as a guide, I kept a journal of the messages I received from each meditation, hoping to gain insight into what God wanted me to do for Him while I was here on earth. Yet, while this main question felt unanswered, I did receive much love and positive guidance from the angels.
During these years I also read the bible cover to cover, twice. After completing the second readthrough, a voice within me I came to recognize as my Inner Guide, which was a result of all the angel meditations I had been doing, instructed me to leave the old testament alone. Do not read it again. Simply focus on the new testament and specifically the words of Jesus. I was relieved to hear this because I was confused about many discrepancies. Namely the issue between the “eye for an eye” mentality of the old testament, versus the “love your enemies,” instruction from Jesus in the new testament.
I simply decided that Jesus must’ve come along to give us improved instruction on how to behave, and that His words superseded any information to the contrary in the old testament.
My collection of spiritual books continued to grow throughout my teen years, until it spanned a wide range of topics, including everything from astrology to near death experiences, ghosts, numerology, tarot cards, crystals, extraterrestrials, and psychic phenomena. I dabbled in all of these aspects of the unknown on and off throughout my twenties. I tried to learn all I could and practice only those things that felt aligned with love and light. I even prayed the rosary every single day for 6 years straight, from age 12 to 18.
I felt I was learning bits and pieces of what my purpose might be, but nothing felt clear and unmistakable. Until 2004, when I discovered A Course In Miracles. During this year, I had given birth to our first child, a baby girl. I also had suffered some mild postpartum depression, which sent me searching the local bookstore for yet another “self-help” or spiritual book to support me.
I’ll never forget the moment I first laid eyes on A Course In Miracles. It was wrapped in clear plastic cellophane, and I couldn’t open it. So, I read the cover and thought it must be some text book for a religion class at the local college or something. It looked like it would take a lot of work to read, due to the thickness and “no nonsense” feel of the title. So, I just put it back on the shelf, though I felt very intrigued by it. A few weeks later I returned to the bookstore, just wanting to look at that book one more time, feeling like maybe I wanted to buy it, just so I could open it and see what was inside. But to my disappointment, there was no copy on the shelf that day. I didn’t think much of it and bought something else.
A few more weeks or even months went by, and I found myself back in the spiritual self-help section again, and lo and behold, there was A Course In Miracles. I picked it up and held it again, wondering if I should buy it, just to satisfy my curiosity. I ended up putting it back on the shelf once again, because we had a new baby, and forty dollars was a lot to spend on a book I wasn’t sure I wanted. More time passed and as I came and went from the bookstore several more times, I discovered that A Course In Miracles and I had developed some kind of yo-yo dance back and forth. When I wanted to look at it again, it wouldn’t be on the shelf. When I went in there for something else, there it would be.
Finally, after 3 or 4 attempts in total to make up my mind about this book, I stood in the store with it in my hands and heard my Inner Guide clearly state in my mind, “Read this book and do exactly what it says. Do not miss my message for the second time around.” This of course instantly convinced me to buy it on the spot, though I had never opened its cover due to the plastic wrap it was in. Once home, I was deeply excited to dive into it. However, before opening the cover, my Inner Guide spoke to me again saying, “You are to read this cover to cover. Do not skip ahead, look at what’s coming up or read other parts in advance. Simply proceed from the first page unto the last.”
And so, I did. But not without my share of struggles. Though I felt this book contained a powerful message, it took me almost 9 years to get through the Text, largely because I would set the book aside for days, weeks and often months at a time. I did this because I had almost no comprehension of what I read within it pages and found I couldn’t handle it except in small portions. But stubbornly, I kept going, hoping I’d understand it in time.
And indeed, I did! By the year 2012, as I was slogging my way through yet another section of the Text, I read words that hit my mind like a wrecking ball: This world is an illusion. My heart leapt with joy, and I wanted to shout, “I knew it! I knew it!” From that point on I made reading A Course In Miracles a daily practice and my understanding grew and deepened exponentially as I went along.
At this time, it also became clear to me that I had at last found the answer to my lifelong question: What am I here to do?
I realized; I was here to practice forgiveness. But not a form of forgiveness the world taught me, but a way of forgiving as Jesus taught. He taught that to forgive is to love as though nothing ever came between us in the first place. All that is important is our present love for one another. And if I couldn’t feel love for someone in particular, I could simply focus on the shared Light of creation, our “God spark” that every living thing carries. I could love this Light in anyone, trusting that it was there, unseen and buried in whomever I felt any form of conflict with. In this way, I found I could overlook or forgive whatever grievance I saw and remember instead the truth of who they were without their ego and body.
In fact, I found I could even practice forgiving the world, thus healing myself and all that my eyes beheld in this illusion of physical separateness. We each have our part in this; we are each here to do our part in healing our error of separation.
With this inner shift in how I perceived the world, my life began to change gradually, though dramatically. No more did I feel that homesick yearning for a Heaven I couldn’t remember – I knew that it was within me, and I could experience it by focusing on going within.
Also, prior to my discovery of and learning A Course In Miracles, I would often wake in the early hours of the morning, around 2:00 or 3:00am with a deep feeling of dread and sadness for no reason. That too, healed and completely disappeared.
In general, I no longer sought to escape from this world, but neither did I cling to it. I began to feel a sense of peace regardless of what was happening around me at any given moment.
My life today seems magical. I experience everything as part of my greatest good, or an opportunity to heal a part of the illusion that seems separate or hurting in some way. I do this by seeing all things as part of myself – my One Self. And by using my inner eyes in this way, my path opens before me with ease, even in the face of experiences I don’t prefer at the time. I now trust that all things will always work out for the greatest good for both me and all involved if I am responding to the situation from my highest, most loving Self – the part of me connected with God through the Holy Spirit.
Truly, I wake up almost every day, happy and excited for what may come to pass. And I am usually not disappointed.
In short, my life has become one living miracle after another, filled with joy and deep abiding peace. And when that peace is disturbed in even the smallest way, I simply remember my purpose of forgiveness and say, “Even this too, belongs. Even this too, deserves my love, for it is a part of me in need of healing. And so, I extend to this situation my greatest hope for the greatest good for all involved, that they too, may find lasting peace and happiness, for I would exclude no one from God’s Love. For I would only love as He loves. Amen.
With this mindset, things seem to always work out on their own when I remember to give everything over to God and let go of my ego judgments.
And the rest, as they say, is history. In 2018 I published my first book based on A Course In Miracles, titled Awakening To One Love, a compilation of inner conversations I had with the Holy Spirit Whom I now know has been my Inner Guide from the very beginning. During the next few years, two more books would follow, each filled with not only insights from A Course In Miracles, but what lies beyond our world and more.
What exciting times we live in!
Beth Geer is the author of three books:
1: "Awakening To One Love," a compilation of inner conversations with the Holy Spirit.
2: "Awakening Humanity: Our Place Among Extraterrestrials and Angels."
3: “The Light Has Come! Divinely Guided Chapter Summaries from A Course In Miracles.”
You can find these and more here:
This work is funded entirely by donations alone. Though not expected, if you feel guided to make a love offering, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Thank you for your support!